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Bristol's CareScribe launches new features for Caption.Ed assistive technology

Software developed by a Bristol based technology business that provides highly accurate, multi-lingual captions for any live or pre-recorded media, is ready to launch a new version with improved features in April.

Caption.Ed , developed by CareScribe, is assistive technology that works even with face-to-face conversations. Dr Richard Purcell, a director at CareScribe and an NHS...

South West health project reduces urgent care visits

A service design research project led by Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Healthier Together Partnership has seen a significant reduction in the number of people visiting urgent care after calling NHS 111 (estimated at around 70%).

In response to winter pressures on urgent care due to Covid-19, the NHS needed to reduce the risk of infection in busy waiting...

Indus fusion vaccine preparation system

Automation infrastructure set to boost NHS Covid vaccine roll out capacity

Bristol-based Indus Fusion is developing an automated vaccine preparation device for NHS Covid-19 vaccine clinics, with early trials indicating a 40% increase in roll-out capacity.

The Vaccine Preparation System (VPS) is designed to work in an aseptic environment, enabling multiple syringes to extract doses from vials automatically.

The technology improves the yield from...