Virtual jobs fair aims to combat the skills shortages faced by South West employers
The Heart of the South West LEP (HotSW LEP) Digital Skills Partnership has announced the first of their Train4Tomorrow virtual jobs fairs, which will connect hundreds of newly-trained and highly-skilled digital and technical learners with employers in the South West.
The first virtual jobs fair on May 26 2021, 9am - 4pm focuses on digital and technical sectors and will give employers from across the region the chance to showcase their company and access highly-skilled talent from the Train4Tomorrow bootcamps programme for free.
Fully-funded, by the Department of Education’s National Skills Fund, the #Train4Tomorrow bootcamps are designed to help adults in Devon, Plymouth, Somerset, Torbay, Cornwall and Dorset enter resilient and growing industries in the region. They are set to benefit employers in the region by providing industry-led training in areas that labour market intelligence has highlighted as being hampered by skills shortages, including cyber, data science, digital healthcare, software, digital marketing, IT, welding, photonics, engineering, construction and electronics.
Charlotte Collyer, Digital Skills Partnership Manager at HotSW LEP, said: “We are delighted to open up employer registration for the first Train4Tomorrow virtual jobs fair, which will support the region’s economic recovery and growth by connecting regional employers with hundreds of our highly-skilled learners who have successfully completed an intensive 12 week bootcamp.
“Digital and technical employers are invited to attend the jobs fair to showcase their business to hundreds of newly-trained learners and to access the new talent which has been developed in the region through the programme.”
Employers can register for free to attend for a full or a half day, to host a virtual table at the jobs fair, where learners can learn about their business, have an informal chat with employers and set up interview opportunities.
The virtual event will also see six keynote speakers from organisations, including Tech Nation and CompTIA, giving inspiring talks on the South West’s growing digital and technical sectors.
To attend as an employer and host a virtual table visit: http://bit.ly/T4TJobsFairs
To find out more about the #Train4Tomorrow Digital and Technical bootcamps, go to www.train4tomorrow.org.uk.
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